AGO (American Guild of Organists) - San Jose Chapter, CA, U.S.A. Organ Recital at Presbyterian Church in Sunnyvale, CA - 13. September 2019






Oberbayerisches Volksblatt - Kultur in der Region, Mittwoch, 31. Mai 2017                          "Die Orgel fand ihren Meister"


Per leggere o scaricare l'articolo completo:

See or download here the complete newspaper article:

OBV. Die Orgel fand ihren Meister.pdf
Documento Adobe Acrobat 1.3 MB






AGO (American Guild of Organists) - San Jose Chapter, CA, U.S.A. Organ Recital at Presbyterian Church in Sunnyvale, CA - 9. October 2015


Per la rivista e l'intervista completa:

See here the complete Newsletter and Interview:

Documento Adobe Acrobat 747.2 KB
Documento Adobe Acrobat 1.0 MB




AGO (American Guild of Organists) - San Jose Chapter, CA, U.S.A. Organ Recital at Presbyterian Church in Sunnyvale, CA - 12 September 2014


Per la rivista completa:

See here the complete Newsletter:

AGO. San Jose Chapter. Ugo Sforza Organ
Documento Adobe Acrobat 585.9 KB




Dayton, OHIO (U.S.A.) - Newspaper The Oakwood Register - Organ Recital at St. Mary's RC Church/Austin Organ 1920 - 19 September 2014





Il Gazzettino. XXVI Treviso International Organ Festival. U. Sforza Organ Recital in Paderno di Ponzano Veneto (TV) - Italy - il 27 Settembre 2014


Altre informazioni sono anche presenti a:

Further informations you can also find here:

TREVISO TODAY-XXVI Festival Organistico
Documento Adobe Acrobat 82.0 KB




NEUE VOLKSBLATT LINZ - Orgelkonzert und Cd-Präsentation in der Klosterkirche der Elisabethinen, Linz (Österreich) – 3. Februar 2014